
Thursday, February 21, 2013

But first, TEXAS

A not so minor detail that has been regrettably overlooked in the midst of school and logistics of Guatemala.

During a conversation with a friend a couple weeks ago we were discussing that in a few short years America may very well be the biggest missions field. This was a very humbling thought and brought me back to many discussions I've had with and heard my brother having about how America needs missionaries as much as other countries do.
Every year over spring break Northwestern sends teams from Minnesota to Texas and a bunch of places in-between (and not so in between for teams leaving the country) on SSP's, 10 day long Spring Service Projects.

So next Saturday I'm heading out from good ol' Orange City and taking a 20 (ish) hour drive to Lindale, Texas with a team from my school!

Most of the outreaches I've done in the past have been aimed at children. Vacation Bible Schools, Sunday Schools, working at day camps, working at summer camps, etc. But in Lindale we will be working with an organization that has a prison ministry.
I'm excited to experience this new kind of ministry and see how God morphs my heart and creates in me a love for the people whom I will be encountering. I love hearing people's stories of where they come from, where they are and where they're going as well as sharing my story with others and I'm excited to see what opportunities will arise while I am there.

Some prayer requests:

  • Safety during travel. 2 days there and 2 days back, that's a lot of driving!
  • Team Bonding! Our teams for SSPs are put together of people who we do not necessarily know very well
  • That we may touch the hearts of the people we encounter
  • That we will have open minds and open and teachable hearts as we enter into new situations

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